Line dance

Hi there!
Here are two line dance videos that I've been dancing in with some other people I know.

1000 MAL

I'm Walkin'


A while ago.


I'm going to start this entry by saying that I was really excited to read the comment I got when I wrote the last time! Thank you!

It was a while since I wrote that last entry though. Now it's the middle of March and when I look out the window there's still a lot of snow on the ground. Actually, today it's snowing too.

I'll make a "short" update on what has happened over here:

In February I went to Valbo (about twho hours south of us in Alfta) to listen to my friends when they were playing some music. Their band is called Outlaw Brothers and they play together a few times a year. Originally all the members are playing in other bands. The evening was fun though, it was quite a lot of people there and I saw several of my friends.

       Outlaw Brothers

The following day I went to Bollnäs where some people from my line dance group gathered to tape a video for YouTube. It was a lot of fun! You can view the result if you click here.

Then It was school break and my sister's birthday.


The same day we "celebrated" Fettisdagen, the last day before fasting, counting the way that they did back in the old days. Translating the word fettisdag I'd call it Fat Tuesday. That day there is a Swedish tradition to eat a delicious bun called semla. Semlor are buns made of wheat flour, filled with marzipan and whip cream. Yummy!

        Semlor. Anna and the kids on the picture to the left.

The following weekend, 2009-28-02, I went down to Katrineholm with some friends. There was a rockabilly event called Live&Jive that we went to and since it's pretty far we stayed at a hotel there. There were two American bands playing; Omar Romero and Dustin & his Allnighters. We all had a great time staying up until three o'clock in the morning.

       Gettin' ready for Live&Jive.

The two frist weeks of March were calm. I worked on my project in school and of course I had a lot to do with my dancing. I've attended a few meetings for the line dance association, I'm in the election committee and now the annual meeting is coming up. It will be interesting.

Last weekend (March 15) I went to Enviken about an hour from here. John Lindberg Trio had a gig there. John also played with the Outlaw Brothers I wrote about earlier in this entry. With them the trio had Carin Morris, a fifteen year (I think..) old girl singing rockabilly music. She is really good!

      John Lindberg Trio & guest artist Carin Morris.

This weekend was busy as well. Friday I saw my frien Johanna, for the first time in a really long time. We went out for a coffee (or fika which is our word for coffee and cookies). Saturday I went to my sister's house with my parents to celebrate Emilia who had turned nine the week before. She's getting so big! It's scary... 


When I came home that evening I just switched clothes and ate a bit, then I took the car and drove to a place outside Falun (one hour and 30 minutes away). It was a rockabilly event again (surprise, surprise) and the popular Swedish rockabillyband Go Getters were playing. Pretty stupid to go by my self I know, but I had a great time! 

           Go Getters

Sunday, even though I was a bit tired I went to Bollnäs for another taping of a line dance. It went really well and I will be posting the video here on the blog, shortly. Here is a picture of us who are dancing anyway: 

         Line dancers

So, I guess there are a lot of things happening around here. My parents are doing well. My mom is enjoying her life as retired. She has started to clean up the house but is taking it pretty easy still. My dad is right now planning on a new trip abroad. This time to Estonia. Anna and the kids are fine too although there are plenty of things that have happened there.
I have got the date for prom and graduation now. June 3rd we'll have our prom. I'm excited to wear my dress again. Most details are fixed I just have to get a new pair of shoes. Graduation is a week later, June 10th. It feels pretty good that the semester ends soon. I'm so ready for summer!

Oh well, enough talking about me now. I'll write more some other time.

I hope all is well with everybody! I miss you guys a lot and I'm hoping to go back and visit you soon!


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